Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Lets walk on water

Walking on Water: Insect's Secret Revealed
"The amazing water strider doesn't just walk on water. It skips across it with the grace of an Olympic skater and the power of a hockey player. The insect dances up and down to avoid being submerged by raindrops, and it can pack 15 times its body weight without sinking. the water strider's legs are covered with microscopic hairs that trap tiny air bubbles, allowing the insect to simply float. It is critical that water striders legs not get wet, in order to avoid penetrating the surface during their rowing stroke, If they do happen to fall through, they must generate forces ten times their body weight to return to the surface."

Don't worry we don't have to be water striders to walk on water, imagine if we were that would cause coaos in the world, but I do know that just having that tiny extra bit of faith to be out of our comfort and be out of the box for Jesus will cause us to want to be like Peter and just get out of the boat and walk towards Jesus.
As Lisa and myself have been praying and walking with Jesus, he has been showing us that being out of our box is good and He loves it when we just take that extra step and be adventurous and hold His hand and walk. even in the little things.
Some of you might think this is crazy but I tell you its fun, so the other day we were talking about being out of the box and doing something that was just not us and I suddenly thought well I dont like coffee, maybe I should begin to taste it more and then I might develop a taste for it. For those who know me that is just not me, I hate coffee, even the smell of it sometimes is just yucky! I can not understand why people drink it! anyway we were going to meet a friend of ours at a coffee shop so before getting there I asked Lisa to give me some reasons why she likes coffee, still not really convincing me that this is the way to go. We standing at the counter deciding what would be the best coffee to go for and should it be flavoured or just plain, should I get a mocha with maybe just one shot of espresso or two, all these decisions to make, the lady at the counter is giving some suggestions and then asks why am I doing this, I kind of hesitated for a bit then said well I am trying to be out of the box a bit and this is just a small way of doing something out of the box, "Why" she asks, well wondering to myself, Cath just be out the box again, I asked her if she was a Christian, she replies yes, and I say well God is teaching us about being out the box and not living contained by boundaries, even though this seems like a small thing it just a sign of willingness to be out of my comfort! So we chatted to her more about what she had done etc and what she was planning to do etc, was just an amazing time! We got our coffee, and went and ENJOYED IT! Yes I actually enjoyed it! (by now I am sure some of you who know me are laughing, thats great)
We ended our little outing by just writing an encouraging note to the lady who served us, believing that God was going to use her to see more radical things for His kingdom.

I am excited about walking out all the Jesus has planned, I have began to realise that its not worth holding back and missing the adventure of a lifetime. I know as Lisa and myself prepare to leave and just go where ever God directs us, its going to take faith and hope and knowing that what He says is true. Our hearts is to be able to bless people and encourage people along the way, we don't just want it to be a holiday full of sight seeing, we want it to be a time where we get to see lives touched by Jesus, whether its speaking to some stranger and giving them something to eat and loving them, or whether its visiting someone we know and encouraging them and praying for them! All these things and more is what we want to see. Being in Mozambique was just clear that I can't be normal and live normal, how ever you define normal. My life belongs to Jesus and all I know is that I want to walk on water and see the kingdom of God come on this earth. So taking every moment I live as a moment defined by Jesus and living it out as though He was walking with me on the water. Not wanting to look down to see if I will sink but looking ahead to see Jesus and know that He wont let me fall!!!

So we are heading out on Wednesday, we have out first destination which is a place called Silver falls, we will be there for 2 days and then well lets just see what God does.........! Please pray for us that God will direct us and encourage us on the way, also pray for divine appointment and just Gods love to be shining through us!
Love you all

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